Daily Schedule for the Students
The daily schedule of 21CG is modeled after the Sainik school programs. Each student will follow the usual routine of the armed forces of exercise and physical training in the morning and sports and driving skills in the afternoon
The typical daily schedule is given below:
- 0530 - wake up and get ready
- 0600 - physical training
- 0700 - bath & breakfast
- 0800 - English speaking & writing
- 1000 - Quantitative, Analytical and IT
- 1300 - Lunch
- 1400 - General Knowledge
- 1500 - Subject Specialization
- 1600 - make up time for community work*
- 1700 - sports
- 1800 - clean up and dinner
- 1900 - knowledge based soft skills
- 2000 - cultural soft skills: drama, music, etc...
- 2200 - lights out
In the evenings, every student is expected to spend two to three hours on soft skills, such as time management, stress management, communication, acting and performing arts.
On Saturdays, they spend four hours participating in a programming competition and four hours on a "presentation" competition as members of competing teams.
Sundays are unstructured and used for remedial, catch-up and community work. Every student is expected to spend one hour a day in community activities such as kitchen duty, cleaning, landscaping, driving service, security guards and other activities of a "kibbutz"-like (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kibbutz) self-governing community.
The style and structure of this particular education program may not be suitable for every personality and aptitude and thus we must be prepared for some attrition from the program. The openings created will then be filled by other candidates on the waiting list from the same Mandal.